Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Goodies

After looking all over the net I found some great recipes for Christmas treats for us to make. We made out selections and our grocery list and got cookin' (well, melting and stiring, there was no baking involved.)

First was what I like to call "Millions of Mints". Very simple to make, just cream cheese, powdered sugar, food coloring and mint extract. We turned this:

Into these: (millions of these)

Then we made peanut butter squares, yum! Graham cracker crumbs, peanut butter, more powdered sugar and melted chocolate on top. I love these!

We made a coconut candy that seemed simple enough but required cooking sugar and milk to a soft ball stage. I'm pretty sure I cooked it right but the candies turned out kind of...grainy? Maybe it was the sweetened coconut.

And here's a big batch of everything we made. Dipped pretzles (the green ones are mint, yum!), candy cane bark, pretzle and butterscotch bark, and mint patties (easy to make!).

We had a lot of fun making these and took some around to our friends. I think we'll be doing this every year!

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