I found a couple of cute stars, the block and the red wire one, that I'm going to use for Christmas and 4th of July (love dual purpose decorations!) I love the little red tote box and the white shelf. the shelf has s uch a pretty raised scroll on the front, I can't wait to re-paint and hang it. And the jingle bell garland was only $1, it's in pretty sad shape so I'm going to cut it apart and use the indivudual bells on our tree next year.
Speaking of our tree next year I found this bag of four nests and four birds (for 75 cents!) that will be used. I'm thinking about glittering the birds, we'll see how they turn out.
great blog! thanks for upating it! i love the stuff you get at di and hope there will be some cool stuff for me when we come down. i really love the little white shelf (better hide it when i get there) and the welcome sign. i think a rustice star would look fabulous on the top.
Wow! Your DI has way cool stuff! I love to go to DI but we have to travel over 100 miles to get to the nearest one. Garage sales are my passion when I go to Oregon in the summer. I find the neatest vintage things when I'm there. I've furnished most of our cottage up there with garage sale finds. Your PWGL sister!
Those are some fun finds. I can feel your pain about living in an apartment and not being able to paint. I grew up in military housing, so all I knew was white walls.
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